Friday, June 09, 2006

Pictures from Daniele

Daniele, our architect, emailed me some photos yesterday - proof positive that the workmen continue to work even in our absence:
Lorry Delivering Flagstones
Lorry Delivering Flagstones
This is where some of the budget overrun is going.

Courtyard Started
Courtyard Started
The first line of stones in place.

Back Door Path
Back Door Path
We are having a metre wide path all around the perimeter of the building.

Roof Terrace Completed
Roof Terrace Completed
This is where we watch the sun set with a glass of vino bianco.

Pizza Oven Work-in-Progress
Pizza Oven Work-in-Progress
Oven at the back, wood store on the right, doors to be added to give us storage space for garden furniture.

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Good job! Wow. Money well spent! Oh and that sky! I bet you can just smell the pizzas about to be cooked in that wonderful oven. Good for you, Mark and Mary!!