Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Packing for our holiday

Nowhere is the difference between the genders more apparent than in our respective approaches to packing for our holiday:

Mary [Holiday - 10]: What do I want to take with me? What is appropriate for our destination, time of year and latest weather forecast? Which items are still in fashion or favour? Which ensembles work together well? What is still in the laundry basket that needs to go through the washing machine in order to be clean and ironed in time to pack?

Mark [Holiday - 1]: Opens wardrobe. Is it clean? Yup. That'll do then, job done!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Krecker said...

Mark You forgot the part about shoes! I simply must have the right shoes for every POSSIBLE occasion on a vacation. And, of course, the clothes to match the shoes. And the pedicure touch-up materials. Not to mention all the other considerations.

Yup, packing for a vacation is a complicated affair.