It had been raining and then really started tipping it down as I cycled to the clean-up site. I found Theo peering at the Wandle in full spate with all manner of detritus being swept along - pallets, logs weeds, and about a dozen plastic footballs.

Theo inspects while Erica photographs - Oh bugger my gloves and glasses are in the way.
The water level was rising and the flow rate increasing. It was decided reluctantly to abandon the clean-up on safety grounds.
I have to second that. Back in February the water level was high and then I was thinking, as I stood on tip-toe, "This is a bad idea". In these conditions it was double-plus-bad.
This stretch is in a concrete culvert so there was not even much in the way of bank side litter picking to do. For the second time ever the event was abandoned before it started.
Instead we ate the cakes that were intended for lunch.
Jo who baked the cakes is leaving for a year abroad and was presented by Erica with a leaving present of a framed poem.
After cake and tea we all went home.
More at The Wandle Trust Community Cleanups.