Friday, June 23, 2006

The final cone

We are off tomorrow (Saturday) so this may be my last post for two weeks unless I can make it to the new internet cafe in Locorontondo.

Daniele has sent us more pictures to prove the squad are still "on the case". This cone did not need doing on practical grounds but it had been unsympathetically repaired by a previous owner. This obviously distresssed Daniele and he persuaded us to do an aesthetic repair to return it to its original condition. Like the cottage and another budget over-run. Ho-hum, I am a sucker for doing the right thing.

So in two week's time expect a rash of new piccies of the completed des res in the sun. Until then "live long and prosper".



Rosa said...

Looks fabulous!! Hope you get to the cyber cafe with some pics! Can't wait to see. Just home now. Will do the same!! Enjoy your new digs in the sun!

Rosa said...

Gee, seems like you've been gone for an awfully long time. Hope the sun is bright and the wine is sweet.

internal doors said...

Not fair, I'm stuck in the UK!