Monday, July 10, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006: First inspection

Breakfast part one was a cup of tea with UHT milk left by Cordia, our first guest, a couple of weeks ago. We had arrived too late last night to go via the shops and stock up as originally planned.

We made a tour of inspection to see what progress had been made since our last visit four weeks ago. The works were *not* completed - as expected - but there was lots to see.

The courtyard paving was finished and the perimeter path went two-thirds of the way round the building. The inset lights in the path and roof terrace were in place but not wired in. A cooker, dishwasher and fridge had appeared in the Lamia house awaiting installation.

Most impressive though was the aesthetic restoration of the front cone. Now the front door arch matches the courtyard door and the roof line has a very traditional shape to it. I am really pleased we went for it, it looks fantastic <G>

At nine o'clock it was a quick drive to the local supermarket for milk and bread for breakfast part two and food for the rest of the day. We had treated ourselves to a convertible from Avis, the smallest they do - a Nissan Micra 1.4 - it must be one of the smallest cabriolet around. You would have to call it a fun car because you couldn't take it seriously: 0-60 with an egg timer, a boot (US: trunk) that could scarely hold an overnight bag when the roof is concertinered into it and back seats only suitable for children or double amputees. Still it is just the job for us: top down, glorious sunshine and wall to wall blue sky.

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Welcome back!! The place looks wonderful! Can't wait to read more and catch up. (The hub wants one of those convertible four (haha) seater--mid-life crisis I suppose.)