Saturday evening we took them to Plummers in Ringwood High Street for a very enjoyable meal. Sunday we joined the other 20 or so mushroom hunters for the morning foray. After a successful morning's picking we all had a lunch of mushroom soup followed by mushroom croustade (cooked by Peter and Val). At that point we dipped out and went back to Wandsworth with our haul: Sunday roast with fried Ceps (aka Penny Bun aka Porcini) and Monday night soup with the rest.

Peter very kindly gave us a signed copy of his excellent new book "Field Guide to Edible Mushroom of Britain and Europe". You can order your own *signed* copy via his website.
Oh, I had my first black truffle in Zurich. It was scrumptious! Thanks for jogging my memory. I haven't posted on Zurich yet, will have to remember to put that in.
I do love mushrooms, but I would NEVER be brave enough to try to find edible mushrooms in the wild. NEVER.
Rosa. Glad you enjoyed the black truffle. It is an odd flavour, an acquired taste. The jury is still out as far as I am concerned.
Bonnie. That is the benefit of going on a properly tutored foray. Peter checks out your finds as you go along and double-checks the baskets at the end so you know you have edible specimens. We have been on half a dozen forays over the last few years and can now confidently identify six or eight edible varieties. And the motto is "if in doubt, leave it out".
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