Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Exhibition Planning

One thing I like about London is being close to things. Yesterday I was able to cycle home, as most days. Then off to my brother's, again, only 17 minutes on the train from Wandsworth Town to St Margarets, half an hour door to door.

Mum and Dad had driven up for the evening so we could do some planning for his exhibition at Wolfson College, Oxford in October [Michael McLellan limited edition prints].

Nephew Mike works in the Media; how vague and grand that sounds, just don't inquire too deeply. Brother Ian is in Publishing; he *is* Arcturus Publishing, have a look at their catalogue [pdf]. So Mike is doing all the graphic design work for the catalogue, poster and postcard, Ian will organise the printing. The whole family is mucking for the general logistics of wrapping and hanging.

I was trying to convince Dad to 'up' the price of the originals as I think he is selling himself short but he was adamant. At least he did agree to adding a little bit (5%-ish) to stop the prices being too rounded and "bland". To my mind 315 is somehow more convincing than 300, for example.

Instead we will drop the price of the prints as one needs to maintain a reasonable differential between originals and prints. Not that I care much about losing margin, it is not about making a profit it is about getting Dad's art better known / more available.


Mark McLellan said...

Your other comment was left at the earlier post [Michael McLellan Limited Edition Prints]; following that I put up a couple more of Dad's paintings at [Michael McLellan Paintings].

Nephew Mike has a couple more scans for the catalogue which I will put up when I get them. Beyond that, no more. One thought is to get a full archive done as we will have a large number in one place. After the exhibition have them all professionally, digitally photographed by C&D for posterity and possible future editions.

Ballpoint Wren said...

Good luck to your dad on the exhibition! Your family is very talented.

And I wish getting around was as easy here as it is there! I spent three hours in the car today.

Rosa said...

How exciting. Best wishes for a successful exhibit! Cheers to your dad and family!