Friday, March 07, 2014

The Commitments at The Palace Theatre

Mary's friend Andrea A. has a birthday a couple of weeks after Mary's so they usually have a joint celebration. This year it was a trip to see The Commitments at The Palace Theatre and I got to go along as well :-)

We lunched beforehand at The Spice of Life pub and music bar. It is proper pub with a small selection of real ales, reasonable food and not too crowded - surprising given its location in the heart of tourist London - although it was filling up by the time we left.

A friend had described the first half as a bit slow and then it picked up for the second half. That is about right: the first half has more plot and character development, the second half is more out-and-out musical with little exposition.

The Guardian agrees and gives it three stars: "The first quarter-hour underwhelms. [...] The second-half music is, nonetheless, worthy of a West End musical" Read more...

The Telegraph was more effusive at four stars: "Roddy Doyle's stage version of The Commitments at the Palace Theatre is a vibrant, raucous joy" Read more...

Both agreed with us that Killian Donnelly as Deco is a serious talent with a serious voice. Two hours of soulful entertainment.

Then off to celebrations part 2: Grandmothers of Invention at Under The Bridge...

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