Yet another fine walk in sunny Southern England. Mary is taking this training for Coast to Coast seriously. Like the last two walks this was also from Time Out Country Walks volume 1: Walk 32 - Arundel to Amberley

Hiorne Tower, Arundel Park
There were hills at the start then the route levelled out for some walking along the River Arun. Lunch was a picnic sitting opposite the George and Dragon, Burpham.

We were promised wilds flowers and wild flowers is what we got.

We extended the route by tacking on a bit of Walk 22 from Volume 2. It meant a brisk pace as the trains from Amberley were only one per hour.
Just to add to the fun the heavens opened for the last 15 minutes so we were a bit soggy by the end. Fortunately I had a dry top in the back pack.

Twelve miles at a fair pace of 3.2 mph.
Home for a quick shower and out for supper with Tim and Sarah. It's all go round here!
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