On the roof we have safety railings and a lovely stone wall to hide the very functional water tank.
Water tank
The bathroom has been given its final coat of cement and resin mix. Unfortunately it looks like the message about the colour had not got through to the plasterer. This (the lower part) doesn't look like white with a hint of grey to us. A conversation with Maria at the bathroom shop led to some remedial over-plastering. We will see how well that went next trip.
Waterproof walls
The windows were not installed in time but they did arrive while we were there. The frames went in first followed by the double glazing. The shutters were still to be fitted by the time we left.
Window frames
Because we thought the place was going to be weather tight we did not defer the furniture deliveries. We are now fitted out with double bed, sofa bed and extending table plus a day bed intended for the terrace. The beds we left in their wrappers pending completion of the works.
One last relax on the roof terrace on the eve of our return.
The kitchen was not ready to be fitted in time so we have to go back again in two weeks time - we really want to be there when the installation takes place.
A full set of pictures on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/markmclellan/sets/72157635854112373/