While Michele paints the cones his wife Rosa holds the ladder. When she is not holding the ladder she weeds the flower beds. As a result the garden is looking pretty with the yellow iris and lavender in bloom.

The herb bed is all grown up with the thyme all abuzz with bees and moths.

Nothing says "holiday" to me like red wine at lunchtime. Even a simple ciabatta roll tastes better with added sunshine.

We took the opportunity to do some furniture rearrangement. The pizza oven ante-chamber (behind the blue doors) is normally packed to bursting with both guest chairs plus our bikes and olive picking equipment.
We decided to sacrifice our little sitting room and convert it to a fully designated store room. That meant we could move a load of stuff out and leave a far more accessible, dedicated guest storage space. We swapped the green plastic table for the quality mosaic table making the courtyard a classier dining and relaxing area.

We also christened the new barbeque that we bought last autumn to replace the previous rust bucket. Saturday evening - fresh fish from the local supermarket and Sunday lunchtime - pork steaks with yummy seasoning from the same source.
Sunday night we met up with two sets of ex-pat neighbours for a pizza. It is the start of the season for zucchini so stuffed zucchini flowers were on the menu. Something you do not get in a UK Italian restaurant and a reminder that you are in a foreign land eating the real, local cuisine.

A lovely weekend.
![]() | Trullo Azzurro: beautifully restored trullo in delightful, secluded valley near Locorotondo, Puglia, Italy. Available to rent on a per week basis, sleeps 4-6. For more information visit http://www.holiday-rentals.co.uk/trulloazzurro |
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