Monday, January 09, 2012

Cleaning the Wandle January 2012

Has it really been that long since I last went to drag shopping trolleys out of the River Wandle - Cleaning the Wandle August 2009?

The second Sunday of every month the Wandle Trust organise a clean-up of a different stretch. As chance would have it, it was the very same stretch as last time I went - in King George's Park just south of Kimber Road.

River Wandle, King George's Park, Wandsworth
River Wandle, King George's Park, Wandsworth

Despite being a chilly winter's day 42 volunteers turned up to don waders or push wheelbarrows and remove all manner of junk out of the river. By lunchtime we had 6 trolleys and by the end 13 not to mention bicycles, various bits of car, carpet, plus bottles, cans and carrier bags beyond number.

River Wandle, King George's Park, Wandle Trust Volunteers

Lunch was a cup of soup and a sandwich plus a cup of tea - less a beverage more to defrost the fingers. Then back in the water for a few more hours. I was very glad I had the foresight to wear my walking long johns, that water was cold!

River Wandle, King George's Park, Rubbish hauled out

At 3 o'clock we finished and as I was leaving the river I tripped over trolley number 14 and took a dive. Result - waders full of icy water and very soggy garments. I had a change of jumper and trousers but not much I could do about the long johns so it was a damp walk home.

I ache all over, especially my fingers from gripping and hauling, but in a good and satisfying way. Must do this more!

Update: Fri 17-Feb-12.
Post on the Wandle Trust Blog "Wandle cleanup: January 2012: Wandsworth"
Picked up by the local Guardian "Wandle clean up clears two tonnes of rubbish"

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Cheers to you. Why do folks throw that stuff in the river? I could never quite figure it out.