SWMBO decided that the downstairs floors needed sanding. That means the living room, dining room, breakfast room and hallway - in other words the entire downstairs apart from the kitchen and shower room.

Boxes on the bed
So we had to clear the decks - everything had to be moved upstairs or to the garage - while they sanded. Dust everywhere!

Front hall - work in progress

Dining room - work in progress
Then Mary had her contract extended so we could afford to have the hall painted as well. However that is about a third of the house as it takes in the kitchen and breakfast room, stairs and upstairs landing. More sanding, more dust.

Hallway from the breakfast room
Thankfully the lads are nearly done and we have started to reassemble our life. The breakfast room is done; the living room is mostly reconstituted but we are waiting till the post-decoration spring-clean before unboxing the CD's. The dining room will be last when they clear out their equipment.
Then we will have to host some dinner parties to show off our wonder walls and shiny floors.
Wow, that is some undertaking. How did the babies do?It's going to be absolutely gorgeous. Know you and Mary will be so happy when it's done! Cheers!
Thanks for these very important tips about Sanding the floors. This should be helpful to many homes.The Sanding Floorboards process is similar to other kinds of wood. If you want to get the best results then you should be fully aware of the entire process. This will help in giving your Floor Sanding the much needed, thereby enhancing its beauty and its life span too.
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