As requested the gardener had started planting up the beds but has yet to start work on the automatic watering system. He has planted up the beds with typical Maquis shrubs plus some roses and iris.

Flower bed with shrubs
The weekend was spent doing a few useful things. Ordered a last couple of bits of furniture: a cupboard for the Lamia living room (storage is scarce) and a side table to put the small hi-fi on. We made another trip to Emmezetta (local hypermarket) and bought a giant parasol and an all-in-one TV and DVD player. We also bought a copy of The Blues Brothers to watch - in Italian of course - but I knew the lines so well that didn't really matter.
I also managed to clean out the pizza oven ready for my first attempt at real pizza cooking when we go out in June.
Edited post to replace camera photos with quality image from Mary's camera. [Tue 22-May-07]
I have never heard of that supermarket, hope you had a great weekend.
Emmezeta (one 't't) is huge and on the outskirts of Fasano just off the SS 16 (Km 859) on the road to Savelletri [map].
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