Monday, June 24, 2024

Grand Tour 2024 - Bari

Bari, Puglia, Italy. Tuesday 25-June-2024.

Table of Contents:

Last year to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary we did Interrailing for Seniors - a three week rail journey from southern Italy to Amsterdam. It was so successful that we decided to do something similar this year. This time it was five weeks to escape the southern Italian heat and travel across Europe ending up in Carcassone for a music festival.

We booked the option for four days first class travel to be taken over one month. There was only one “must have” requirement - a parkrun every Saturday. We are doing fewer days travelling and staying longer thus giving ourselves a chance to settle in and really explore each place in depth. The first two stops are larger cities where there is more to see and do. 

Another change from last year is that we are using Home Exchange for all our accommodation. This is a scheme whereby you exchange houses with other people. You can either do a synchronous exchange, an asynchronous exchange or pay and receive guest points. We have had a number of people stay in our house in Penrith and our apartment in Cisternino, so we had sufficient points to provide accommodation without paying a penny. 

As last year, the first day was a long one with an early start so we set off the night before and stayed in Bari. We took the bus from Cisternino down to Fasano station and caught the train into Bari where we had booked a central hotel (Centro Citta Concept) not far from the station. A nice meal at Taverna Verde and an early night ready for our first trip to Fiesole just outside Florence. 

Up not too early the next day for the first proper leg of the Grand Tour 2024 - Bari to Firenze.

Next stop: Fiesole.

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