Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Peaches and Blue explore the Garden

Last weekend we let Peaches and Blue out for a supervised exploration of the garden.

cats in the garden 01

Peaches led the way, did a complete circuit of the perimeter and traverse of the lawn.

cats in the garden 02

Blue was a little more adventurous and also did a tour on the beds.

cats in the garden 03

Inspection done they retired back inside.

cats in the garden 04

We will continure to let them out under supervision until I return from holiday. Then I will try them on the cat flap.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mrs and Mrs Clark meet the Arnolfinis

Michael McLellan painting
This is one of my Dad's favourite paintings. His mashup homage to David Hockney's Mr And Mrs Clark And Percy (1970) and Jan van Eyck's The Arnolfini Portrait.

David Hockney, Mr And Mrs Clark And Percy 1970Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait
Mr And Mrs Clark And Percy; The Arnolfini Portrait

This is what Wikipedia says about Mr And Mrs Clark And Percy:

Hockney drew on both The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck and A Rake's Progress by William Hogarth in the symbolism and composition of the painting. A copy of Hockney's own interpretation of the The Rake's Progress is seen on the wall.

This is what I say about Dad's painting:

Michael drew on both Mr And Mrs Clark And Percy by Hockney and The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck in the symbolism and composition of the painting. A copy of Michael's own interpretation of the The Arnolfini Portrait is seen on the wall.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

CSC Alumni at the Crusting Pipe

A small but select number from the UK CSC Alumni list met for a drink on Wednesday in the Crusting Pipe. It is 10 years since most of us left CSC but we still like to meet up every now and again to catch up on the news.

Anthony Bodle and Simon Hargrave
Anthony Bodle and Simon Hargrave

Present: Myself, Carolyn MacDowell, Anne Carter, Farrakh Siddiqui, Anthony Bodle and Simon Hargrave.

Apologies: Tony Czarnecki, Tony Korn, Jim West, Andrew Hollick, John Patient, Nalin Goonewardene, Barry Wilton, Bob Taylor, Bob Carlsen.

Given the number who replied and were not able to make it I will arrange another in a couple of months time - not on a Wednesday and somewhere that sells beer as well as wine.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gullible's Travels migrated to blog.mmenterprises.co.uk

Gullible's Travels has moved to http://blog.mmenterprises.co.uk/. Please update your bookmarks.

My blog was previously hosted on my own website and not with Blogger. They are withdrawing support for FTP publishing and only allowing hosting on their own servers. Hence this enforced migration.

Now I need to make sure links to the old blog are successfully redirected to the new.

Setting up .htaccess in my public_html folder containing the following did the redirection very nicely thank you:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RedirectMatch 301 ^/blog/(.*)$ http://blog.mmenterprises.co.uk/$1