Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Brunswick Road 08 - New flooring

Penrith, Cumbria. December-2021.

The kitchen needs a new floor. Not just any old floor but one that might have been designed by Bertie Bassett.

The before. Several of the cupboards had already been stripped and carted away to the tip and replaced by temporary units. Behind the door was a bathroom which will be turned into a shower / utility room.

First step was to clear the kitchen of everything except a flying sink!

We suspected the old kitchen floor had no damp proof course and so it proved to be. Regardless, we had to dig up the old concrete floor to make room for underfloor heating. Digging it up was a noisy business all the way to the underlying soil and then a bit more to get the depth we needed for the layers.

Rebuilding: the four layers: sand, waterproof membrane, foam insulation slabs, cement.

At this point we got the builders to move the door so the utility room had enough space on the right hand side to fit the washing machine and the underfloor heating could be laid in the correct place.

With the door moved a new door frame could be fitted to accommodate a new door.

More layers: another, thinner layer of insulation followed by electric, underfloor heating (the orange cable) held in place by a mesh.

Yet more layers of cement, this time runny, self-levelling screed.

Several more thin layers of the self-levelling screed were need to get the required smoothness for the linoleum which will be fitted next year after plastering and decorating is complete.

Repeat after me, "It will be lovely when it's finished".

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