Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Salento parkrun Number 100

Parco naturale regionale Bosco e Paludi di Rauccio, Salento, Italy. Saturday 02-October-2021

Very satisfying to celebrate both my #100 parkrun and Salento parkrun’s #100 (and parkrun's 17th birthday). Especially so, as it is where I did my 50th run. 

There was a record attendance to help the celebrations. Many thanks to Saverio (Run Director) and Luana (his mum, volunteer and cake baker) for making this place special in the annals of parkrun.

Time of 27:14. Not my best but a long way from my worst. I have now run Salento more times than my original home parkrun at Tooting Common. 

Back at the picnic area where we gather afterwards. Unlike many UK parkruns, there is no cafe as the event is in the the middle of a nature reserve (Parco Naturale Regionale Bosco e Paludi di Rauccio). Initially Luana baked the cakes; now various people take it in turns.

We felt the occasion deserved some Prosecco. 

A special cake.

The assembled company. Photography by Andrea aka "Mr foto, foto, foto!"

When I started parkrun 50 seemed a long way away and 100 seemed a distant possibility. When Covid struck I was stuck at 90 parkruns. Penrith's restart in July 2021 enabled me to get up to 95. Fortunately Salento restarted the Saturday after we arrived in Italy and coincidentally on event 96 for them and me.

The next milestone is 250 which seems a lifetime away. Meanwhile I'll wear my black 100 t-shirt with pride.

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