Thursday, October 26, 2017

Walking in the Lake District 2017 - Day 2

Penrith, Cumbria.

Wednesday 25-October-2017: Threlkeld to Blencathra via Blease Fell.

This time we went for height rather than distance. We were joined by our friend Nigel and dog Eli, a Husky-Malamute cross.

Bit of a gloomy day with sunshine trying to illume the far valley

A fellow walker took this photo of us at the very windy apex.

On the way down the effort was less but the wind chill factor was a killer! Steep and muddy paths made for interesting walking including some unintentional backwards grass surfing

More "operator error". Checking the Garmin on the way up I accidentally turned it off so lost the first part of the track from the car park to Blencathra. Luckily I noted the time and distance so know the full walk stats as 14 km and 5:04 hr.

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