Monday, November 07, 2016

Walks Around Ullswater 2016 Day 01 - Aira Force

Penrith, Cumbria, UK. Monday 07-November-2016.

A beautiful autumnal week for walking in the Lake District. We arrived on the Sunday and checked into Whitbarrow Village. Our apartment was a thoughtfully converted farm building.

Monday we went to checkout Penrith with its lovely sandstone buildings.

In the afternoon we went for a walk with our friend Nigel. Straight out into the beautiful countryside. A circular walk taking in Aira Force.

Lovely babbling brooks...

...that soon turn into serious waterfalls.

Then a segue into calmer, delightful woodlands

Only five miles and the sun had already gone down behind the hills.

A short, leisurely circuit to ease us into the week's walking.

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