Friday, May 03, 2013

Mum's 86th Birthday

Normally we just send a card and telephone and sometimes visit depending on the day of the week. This year Mum's birthday fell on a Saturday and, seeing as how she is recovering from her hip replacement, we decided a full gathering was in order.

Pete (BIL), Ian (bro), Geri (Mum)
All three siblings and partners plus Jane's youngest with girlfriend all went down to Farnham for afternoon tea.

Leoni (gf), Tom (nephew)
There was a bit of a cake theme going - all three housholds brought cakes. Leoni is practising for a bake-off which is apparently in preparation for Chris (Janes's middle son) and Hannah's wedding next month - delicious.

Almond and Pear Cake with Raspberry glaze
Sarah baked scones (with strawberry jam and cream) and Mary dispatched me to Konditor and Cook in Waterloo for a Nine Magic Cake set.

Cakes and Scones
It was only just over two weeks since Mum's hip replacement so there was progress but don't expect a Cossack Dance anytime soon. Up and down stairs is OK and leg action is definately "walk not shuffle" but pain management still requires a steady diet of codeine and paracetamol at the prescribed level.

Jane (sis), Mike (Dad), Sarah (SIL) and (off camera) Mary (SWMBO)
There was present opening and general chat. Then we went home again. That's all folks...

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