Sunday, September 05, 2010

4th annual "Help us drink our excess wine cellar" and BBQ

I can do no better than quote Mary's facebook status: 12 hours, 34 people, 41 bottles of wine. Think the BBQ went well!

As in previous years we co-opted (for a price) the nephew Tom to be burger flipper which left us free to mingle and chat to our guests.

bbq 2010 Jane H, Laura, Tom
Jane H, Laura, Tom

Caitlin was not sure about the paparazzi.

bbq 2010 Alan, Caitlin, Sue, Bill, John
Alan, Caitlin, Sue, Bill, John

Some of the ususal suspects.

bbq 2010 Bill, John, Kate, Andrea L, Ros
Bill, John, Kate, Andrea L, Ros

The ice cream that I spend several evenings making went down well especially the brown bread and the Brandy Alexander.

Then is was all Sunday to clear up - we gave the dishwasher a good hammering - and start packing for Italy on Tuesday...

A slightly fuller set of photos on Flickr

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful! What a fancy ice cream. It sounds luscious!
