Sunday, August 10, 2008

London to Paris - Training 07

The training continues unabated according to the plan(-ish).

Saturday we drove down to Bob and Lynn's for a barbeque. On the way we stopped for an hour and a half loop up and down the Test Valley in the <expletive deleted> rain. A delightful circuit we will do again but hopefully in more clement conditions.

Sunday we met up with fellow L2P'er AlisonP at Brockenhurst and preceeded to do 3 ½ hours round the forest - ably navigated by Lynn.

AlisonP, Mary, Lynn and Mark in the New Forest 1/2
Lunch at The Compasses, Winsor - AlisonP, Mary, Lynn and Mark

We did 48 to 50 miles but four cyclo-computers could not agree on the exact mileage. Alison would have done it faster but she very graciously waited for us three to catch up at appropriate junctions.

AlisonP, Lynn and Mary in the New Forest 2/2
Consulting the map at Buckler's Hard (no tittering at the back there!)

Cycling round the Forest roads made a very pleasant change from London streets.

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