Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sitting on a jury

and playing with my new iPhone. I am just over half way through my (expected to last) two week jury service. I shall write more when it is all over but it has been interesting to see the English legal system in action. Meanwhile this is a test of this new techo-toy's ability to blog.

I should point out that this was written while killing time in the waiting area prior to being called down to court. Of course phones have to be switched off whilst sitting and when you retire to consider your verdict they take your phone off you completely.


  1. And I thought you were in the courtroom fidgeting about with the new toy. Those things are amazing. They hub and the boys each have on. I'm not keen on cell phones, so I'll stick with the old technology since I hardly ever use it. Hope your time flies by!

  2. When I did jury service, we had to lock our phones away in a special little cupboard outside of the courtroom.
