Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Friday, July 07, 2006: A damp finale

Our last day dampened by rain all afternoon but the ground works continue. Daniele has arranged for a stretch of the neighbouring farmer's wall to be rebuilt and some stones to be munched while the men and machines are here. Part of the trade off for agreeing where the new boundary wall should go. No skin off our nose and an excellent idea to keep on good terms with the neighbours. An unexpected bonus was that they munched part of the strada bianca so it is less jarring on the nerves and the suspension.

Olive tree in top driveway

Externally Donato has moved the olive tree to where it will give shade for at least one parked car. Internally the progress is not quite as promised. The washer-drier has turned up but both it and the oven have yet to be installed. The carpenter is due next week to make the cupboards for under the work surface and to box in the fridge and dishwasher.

There are a few bits of "making good" to be done and the last part of the garden to be covered with topsoil. We will email a snagging list (US: punch list) to Daniele next week ready for our next visit in six weeks time. By then all must be ready or he doesn't get the last tranche of money.

1 comment:

  1. How much better can it get? Shade under an olive tree in Italy. Gee whiz.
