Thursday, May 25, 2006

I don't want to go to Chelsea

My normal cycle route takes me through Battersea Park and over Chelsea Bridge. This week thay have turned the car parks into overflow parking for the Chelsea Flower Show at only GBP 20 per day.

I know there are keen gardeners the world over but I do think of gardening as a particularly English obsession. At one wedding I went to the Best Man's speech included the quote, "If you want to be happy for a year get a wife. If you want to be happy for ten years get a dog. If you want to be happy for life get a garden". **

* (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea by Elvos Costello.
** The views expressed here are not necessarily the author's.


  1. Ouch. Guess the best man wasn't married! (Sounds like something Prince Charles would say--hehe) Great meeting you! Over jetlag, finally. First day feeling myself. (Hell getting old!) Wish I could have seen the flower show, not that I could have brought anything home!

  2. Yeah, Rosa, I bet the bride LOVED that toast.

    I have a love-hate relationship with my garden. I try to love it... it hates me.
