Friday, May 19, 2006

Blog meeting 3

London Bloggers Meetup Group:- May MeetUp

The group had gone dormant (see history below) but Jo from Tooting nobly stumped up the money to reactivate it. There had been a couple of previous meetups since that but this was the first I was able to get to.

Not so successful this one. Got to all-bar-one at 5 past 7 and was there for half an hour. Did three circuits of the place hoping for either 1) a sign or 2) for someone to spot a lost looking person. I accosted two groups asking if they were from; felt sufficiently embarassed - sounds like a dating site for singles. At 7:40 got fed up and left.

Turned out I had got the details right it was just I was the only one to turn up. Oh well. Two future dates for your diary:

Britblog meeting Sunday 21-May-06 in Covent Garden:
The London Bloggers June Meetup Tuesday 20-June-2006:
And a mailing List, UK Bloggers social:

Past history:
 • Tom Reynold sets up the London Bloggers Meetup Group
 • I go to a meeting
 • I go to another meeting
 • Tom steps down as chair

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