Tuesday, September 13, 2005

We've moved house

And hard work it was too. Saturday was a bit hectic, moving all the stuff out of the flat so we could get the spring cleaners in and then take an inventory. As it was they turned up early and were co-opted as boxers of belongings. Then they cleaned round us as Mary shuttled more stuff along the road to the house and I assembled furniture.

Ten hours I spend assembling the best that Ikea Croydon could provide, five on Saturday, five on Sunday. That is how they keep the cost down, of course, by using the punter's labour. All I can say is thank God for the cordless electric screwdriver; an absolute essential for this kind of stuff.

By Sunday night when the first of the tenants arrived it was all looking pretty spick and span, gleaming with brand new furniture, beds and kitchen appliances still in their boxes. Mind you the house is a mess with boxes piled randomly all over the place. It will take a month there to unpack and put everything into its rightful place.


  1. Anonymous5:24 pm

    Alas. I must sadly sit by and await our turn to purchase a home - one to live in, not visit. Looking forward to your housewarming!

  2. Good luck,Mark.

    We have moved house many times. I hope the boxes disappear quickly. At our house I find that if we don't make them disappear within the first week, they have a way of becoming part of the furniture for the first year. :)

